Remote Patient Monitoring: How Does it Work?

Remote Patient Monitoring: How Does it Work?

Remote patient monitoring has been rapidly gaining in popularity in recent years. In an age when mobile devices are available to everyone, remote patient monitoring can be convenient and effective, enabling people to take charge of their own health. But what is it, and how does it work?

In this blog post, we will discuss remote patient monitoring, how it works and how it can benefit both patients and healthcare providers.

What is Remote Patient Monitoring?

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a method of healthcare delivery that uses technology to monitor patients remotely. This can be done via phone, computer, or another type of remote device. RPM allows healthcare providers to collect data from patients and then make decisions about their care based on that data.

Health data may be collected manually and entered into a remote patient monitoring system or it may use biosensors, fitness trackers, and other wellness devices to automatically or continuously gather health data. The collected data is then securely sent to healthcare providers in another location for real-time update, assessment, and intervention. Providers may want to measure a patient’s heart rate, vital signs, sleep patterns, and glucose levels, among others. Through this system, clinicians can continue caring for their patients remotely. 

10 Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring

wearable health stats from isaac pendant

There are many benefits to using RPM, both for patients and healthcare providers. Here are just a few.

1. RPM can help to improve patient outcomes by allowing healthcare providers to more closely monitor their patients’ health.

2. Remote patient monitoring benefits not only patients but also their caregivers. The RPM tools of today include the patient’s caregiver in the plan of care by allowing them access to record vital signs and provide progress reports. The caregiver can participate in and influence the care of their loved one with RPM.

3. Remote patient monitoring bridges the barrier of access by providing care to patients where they are, when they need it. It can be used to reach patients in rural areas, and connect patients to specialists who they otherwise would not have access to.

4. RPM can reduce the number of hospitalizations and emergency department visits, as well as the length of hospital stays.

5. RPM can help to lower healthcare costs by reducing the need for office visits and other face-to-face interactions between healthcare providers and patients.

6. As a result of severe staffing shortages, RPM can help reduce the burden of overscheduled in-person visits by enabling clinicians to provide some of that care virtually.

7. Access to healthcare is becoming more difficult for patients. Remote patient monitoring can help physicians provide care for more patients wherever they may be.

8. Remote patient monitoring provides the opportunity for more physicians and clinicians to expand their care and reach more patients, which can lead to an additional revenue stream.

9. Patients and primary carers avoid the inconveniences and expenses of travel, parking, childcare, and/or taking time off work.

10. RPM helps in the prevention of infectious diseases. With RPM, patients do not have to visit the hospital or clinic where they are vulnerable to contract an infection. Avoiding an in-person visit eliminates the risk of unnecessary exposure—particularly for the elderly and those who are chronically ill, pregnant, or otherwise immunocompromised.

How Does Remote Patient Monitoring Work?

a doctor talking to a patient

Even after learning the definition of RPM, there is still some confusion on how RPM actually works.

  • Using a RPM, a provider can collect a variety of patient health data such as blood pressure, heart rate, weight, blood sugar levels and vital signs.
  • To collect health data, the patient is provided with a device. It is necessary for remote patient monitoring devices to be electronically connected, which is most often achieved via cellular networking or Bluetooth.
  • As a result of analyzing this data, the provider can provide health and wellness guidance and directions to the patient. Once the device has been properly configured, health data is captured by the device and is transmitted from the patient to the provider, usually electronically, after it has been set up properly.

How is Remote Patient Monitoring Set Up?

There are a few different ways that remote patient monitoring can be set up. The most common way is for patients to use special devices that measure various health data points. These devices then transmit the data wirelessly to a central hub, where it can be monitored by healthcare professionals.

Another way to set remote patient monitoring is through the use of wearable devices, such as fitness trackers. These devices also collect health data, which can be transmitted wirelessly and used to monitor a patient’s health status.

The setting up of Isaacs RPM feature is easy as it’s all on the Isaac Care app. Catherine a Primary Carer spoke about the peace of mind that it brought her and her mother who uses the Isaac Pendant.

“I’d give the Isaac Care App a five-star rating, I’m really delighted with it, I’m not particularly tech savvy and I find it really easy to use.’’ – Catherine Rogers

Remote Patient Monitoring VS Patient Monitoring

a female doctor on her laptop

There are a few key differences between remote patient monitoring and patient monitoring.

Patient monitoring generally refers to any type of monitoring that is done in a clinical setting, such as a hospital or doctor’s office. This type of monitoring usually requires some type of equipment, such as a blood pressure monitor or heart rate monitor. The data from these types of monitors is then typically recorded on charts or graphs.

Remote patient monitoring, on the other hand, does not require any special equipment. Instead, remote patient monitoring uses technology to collect data from patients who are not in a clinical setting. This data can be collected through devices that the patients wear, such as fitness trackers or smart watches. It can also be collected through apps that the patients use on their smartphones.

One of the key advantages of remote patient monitoring is that it can be done from anywhere in the world. This is a huge benefit for both patients and doctors. Patients can be monitored from the comfort of their own homes, and doctors can monitor their patients without having to be in the same room.

Different Types of Remote Patient Monitoring

Vital signs monitoring is the most common type of RPM. It allows healthcare providers to collect data on a patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and other vital signs. This data can be used to detect changes in the patient’s condition and to make decisions about their care.

Disease management is another type of RPM. It uses data collected from patients to help manage chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. Disease management programs can help patients better understand their condition, make lifestyle changes, and adhere to their treatment plan.

Medication adherence is another type of RPM. It uses data collected from patients to track whether they are taking their medications as prescribed. Medication adherence programs can help patients stay on track with their medication regimen and avoid potentially harmful side effects.

Behavioral health is another type of RPM. It uses data collected from patients to track mental health symptoms and behavior’s. Behavioral health programs can help patients identify early signs of mental illness, get the treatment they need, and prevent potentially harmful behavior’s.

Michael is an Isaac Care user who also uses the ISAAC Care blood pressure feature. His doctor is part of his Circle of Care on the app, and she has access to the results which assists with managing his blood pressure medication allowing for continuous care without in-person GP visits. 

“I wouldn’t be without it. I have returned to meeting friends in my local and once again walking the Cooley mountains. It provides me the freedom to live life without fear just by knowing I am never alone”. – Michael


In conclusion, remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a promising tool for improving the quality of healthcare. RPM has the potential to improve the quality of care for both patients and providers. If you’re considering remote patient monitoring for your practice or home, we can help. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of setting up and using this technology to improve the quality of care for you or your patients.

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way. Contact us on (042) 936 8391 or fill in your details in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch.

How Assistive Technology can help those at risk of falls

How Assistive Technology can help those at risk of falls

Falls are one of the biggest problems which occur in advancing years, because of their high frequency and adverse health consequences. According to a study conducted by TILDA, approximately one in five older adults in Ireland (17% of men; 21% of women) experienced recurrent falls in the last four years.

A falls risk factor is something that increases an older person’s chance of falling. Falls commonly result from a combination of risk factors as the risk of falling increases with the number of risk factors that are present. The number of risk factors also increases as a person ages. Falls can put older people at risk of serious injury including fractures, cuts, bruises and even serious brain injuries so it is therefore vitally important to reduce the risk of falls in the home.

Even if there is no serious injury because of a fall, it can still be a frightening experience and may cause an older person to avoid certain activities due to the fear of falling again. As you get older, health conditions, physical changes and sometimes medication can make falls more likely to occur.

Where Isaac Care Can Help

At Isaac Care, we are here to support people to live their lives to the fullest in the comfort of their own homes. The Isaac pendant is the next generation of technology in fall alarms and is a lightweight, discreet and an easy-to-use device. The pendant allows the user to easily call for help and speak directly to a loved one and can be used both at home and out and about. The Isaac pendant connects to our family caring app giving your circle of care real time updates via the app thus providing reassurance that someone is always on hand to help at the push of a button.

Mobility – Keep Moving

Physical activity can assist greatly with preventing falls. Regular physical activity makes you stronger and improves your balance and coordination.

Most adults over 65 should try to keep active if possible. There are activities suitable for people with chronic illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis or diabetes. Activities can improve flexibility greatly, if you avoid physical activity as you are afraid of the risk of falling talk to your doctor or physiotherapist who will recommend a carefully monitored exercise programme.

  • Begin slowly with exercise you feel comfortable doing.
  • Start with walking and increase the distance gradually.

Step trackers like Fitbits can be great motivators to keep moving, at Isaac Care we allow you to sync your Fitbit to your Isaac Care Profile. Allowing you to keep an eye on your activity levels.

Health Monitoring Equipment

Keeping an eye on your overall health is another way to minimise your fall risk. At Isaac Care we also provide simple easy to use health monitoring equipment where all readings feed directly into our app. Easily manage your blood pressure, weight, heart rate, temperature, blood glucose levels, pain levels, steps and blood oxygen readings. This empowers you to always be in control of your own health and wellbeing and to provide accurate readings and insights to your GP.

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way. Contact us on (042) 936 8391 or fill in your details in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch.

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month – Reducing the Risks

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month – Reducing the Risks

This September marks the 10th anniversary of World Alzheimer’s Month, a month that focuses on raising awareness of the risks and symptoms and challenging stigmas surrounding Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, a degenerative brain condition, with 50-60% of all dementia cases presenting with Alzheimer’s.

Age is the most associated risk factor for Alzheimer’s, with dementia affecting 1 in 7 people aged 65-70. This figure rises to 1 in 5 people over 80. However, Alzheimer’s Disease International states it is important to note that dementia is not a ‘normal part of aging. Approximately 1 in 20 people with Alzheimer’s disease are under 65.

There are many innovative technology supports that can help those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s’ and dementia live an independent and fulfilled life, while giving their families peace of mind.

The Isaac Pendant has been developed to support those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The easy to use pendant allows the user to easily contact their nominated emergency contacts should they need help, no matter when or where they are. Our family caring app allows families to set up GPS zones and notifies the family of their exact location should they call for help.

It is important to take control of your own health and well being especially as we age. The Isaac Pendant allows you to do just that with access to 24/7 telehealth care it is not just another falls alarm. The pendant linked with the Isaac Care app tracks weight management has medication reminders and allows for you and your circles of care to view your vitals. All of which can assist in reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Risk Factors

While aging, family history, and genetic predisposition are leading risk factors in developing Alzheimer’s and dementia there are 12 modifiable risk factors that studies show could delay 40% of cases.

  • Physical Inactivity
  • Social Isolation
  • Depression
  • Smoking
  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption
  • Head Injuries
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Hearing Loss (undiagnosed/untreated)
  • Air Pollution
  • Less Education

The breakdown of percentage of reduction in developing dementia if these risk factors are eliminated, in Early Life, Mid Life and Later is:

Early Life – Less Education 7%

Mid Life – Hearing Loss 8%, Head Injury 3%, Hypertension 2%, Obesity 1%, Alcohol Consumption (>21 units per week) 1%.

Later Life – Smoking 5%, Depression 4%, Social Isolation 4%, Physical Inactivity 2%, Air Pollution 2%, Diabetes 1%.

Reducing the Risks

Adopting a healthy change in lifestyle can be a difficult task however small changes could potentially significantly reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia.

A leading factor in a number of health issues, not just Alzheimer’s and dementia is Physical inactivity.

Not only is regular physical activity good for the mind, balance, circulation, and motor skills, it can help with weight management, control high blood pressure. It can also decrease the risk of depression, lower the risk of falls and fall-related injuries. Finding exercise or physical activity that works for you will make it easier to get into the routine of doing it regularly.

The WHO recommends that adults over the age of 65 should aim for 150 minutes of moderate to intense aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity once or twice a week.

Vigorous aerobic activities such as running, cycling, or playing sport may not be suited to everyone, however moderate aerobic activities like a short walk, gardening, water aerobics, even pushing a lawnmower are also extremely beneficial forms of physical activity and great starting points.

If you are someone who has been very sedentary then it is best to start with light forms of physical activity and gradually increase. For example: start with a short walk build to longer walks with higher inclines. Basically, some exercise or physical activity is better than nothing. Of course, always consult your GP before taking on any form of strenuous exercise.

Mental exercises are just as important as physical exercise. They keep cognitive decline at bay, which is a key risk factor in developing Alzheimer’s and dementia. Challenging your brain with puzzles, crosswords and reading are great ways to stimulate your brain. They are forms of cognitive training that have been proven to lower the risk of MCI (mild cognitive impairment).

Social Isolation has impacted everyone due to COVID-19 restrictions. A lack of social interaction can lead to a decline in cognitive function, increase the risk of depression, and result in negative behavioural change, all of which are linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Social activities can be anything from joining a club, meeting friends, or revisiting a hobby you once had an interest in, even making the effort to chat with friends and family more often.

Getting back to socialising may be daunting, but The Isaac Pendant is available to offer you peace of mind that help is there 24/7 no matter when or where you are. The GPS geofencing zones mean you can regain your independence and take up hobbies that not only help you socialise but can exercise your mind.

For more information check out The Isaac Pendant Here.

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way. Contact us on (042) 936 8391 or fill in your details in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch.

Falls in our Elderly – The Facts, Figures, and Prevention

Falls in our Elderly – The Facts, Figures, and Prevention

We all value an independent and active lifestyle, however as we age the risk of falling and losing some of that individuality increases. Unfortunately, the results of these falls, whether at home or outdoors, can lead to serious and sometimes life-changing injuries. At Isaac care it is our mission to empower our clients to live safely and independently, while also having peace of mind that care is on hand 24/7 should they need it.

Falls are becoming increasingly common in the aging community with 1 in 3 people aged 65+ and 1 in 2 aged 80+ suffering from a fall each year. After experiencing a fall, 66% will regrettably fall again within six months (according to the HSE).  

Yearly Fall Statistics

While not all falls are a cause for concern, 20% will require medical attention, and 10% experience a serious injury such as a fracture or head injury that can lead to long-term care.

2-3% of all injured older people require hospital admission (over 7,000 each year). Their average length of hospital stay is 12.7


Percentage of injuries as a result of falls at home

It is important to look at the key factors that lead to these falls and ways in which to further prevent them.  

MyHomecare, Isaac’s care partner, explains, “Confined home environments for people can lead to those individuals with mobility and balance impairments, such as Parkinson’s and dementia, to experience falls. The decline in physical activity, loneliness, and lack of vitamin D are also consequences of social isolation, resulting in an increased risk of falls in our aging population.” 

The most common location for falls in the elderly is the home, with 60% of reported falls, and outside of the home following closely behind with 30% of reported falls.  

MyHomecare highlights some key fall risks, such as limitations in mobility, the undertaking of daily activities without accurate support, and polypharmacy, which is the concurrent use of multiple medications; “Those who are taking more than four different types of medication have been shown to be at an increased risk of falling” 

“Environmental hazards such as loose-fitting rugs, uneven floors, inadequate lighting, and stairs without supporting handrails are also risks.” 

Key Fall Risk Factors

In people aged 65+, an active lifestyle is encouraged to reduce loss of muscle mass, maintain coordination, and improve cognitive function. Often after the first fall, a person’s confidence is knocked leading them to become fearful of leaving the home, lose mobility and limit their activity, unfortunately, these responses are also a leading cause of reoccurring falls. 

It can be daunting to partake in activities and hobbies such as walking, fishing, golf, and gardening especially after experiencing a fall. Walking is a great way to get moving and enjoy the outdoors however it makes up 50% of outdoor falls with 11% a result of trips on curbs/footpaths.  

Here at Isaac, we help people to get back to their hobbies and regain their independence through our GPS tracking which is a defining factor that sets us apart from our competitors.  

The GPS locator offers peace of mind that whether you are walking, golfing, or simply out having a coffee with friends, your wellbeing is being looked after.   

No one wants to lose their independence, no one wants to give up their hobbies and no one wants to suffer from a fall or serious injury alone.  

Simple prevention methods, such as wearing the correct eyewear, good lighting, correct footwear, non-slip rugs, support rails, keeping active, and investing in fall assist technology can ensure our loved ones avoid difficult falls.   

It is also important to ensure those most susceptible to falls are informed and empowered to take control of their surroundings and take back their independence, with the support of a dedicated health care team, family, and friends.  

Fall Prevention Tips

Isaac’s Pendant offers 24/7 telecare and the full support of one of Ireland’s leading home care companies, MyHomecare, who are on hand to step in with in person care where needed. 

MyHomecare states that “We can detect whether the person is at risk, due to the trend in key measurements recorded on Isaac’s remote health management app. The Isaac App allows family members, neighbours, friends, and other voluntary carers to participate in a circle of care for an individual.” 

By implementing these changes, it can reduce these statistics, hospital admissions, and severity of injury, but most of all it can ensure our loved ones can get back to living an active independent, and fulfilled life.   

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way. Contact us on (042) 936 8391 or fill in your details in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch.

Living safely and independently at home for longer

Living safely and independently at home for longer

Editorial on Isaac taken from the July/August issue of the Senior Times

We live in an age where most seniors don’t want to move into retirement or nursing homes. In fact, over 93 per cent of seniors say they want to age in the comfort of their own homes. This had led to a growing market in the technology supported care space. It is revolutionising the way people are cared for at home.

Most recently, one of Ireland’s leading home care companies, Myhomecare (a sister company of Servisource), introduced their latest service “Isaac Care” to the market. It focuses on using ambient assistive technology to empower people to live safely and independently at home for longer. Building on over 10 years’ experience in providing high quality homecare services, this unique solution has brought innovative telecare to the Irish market. The solution itself combines a family caring app with a range of assistive technology devices and support services, forming a complete independent living solution. The innovative solution is being rolled out to homes across Ireland, enabling people to effectively manage their own or their loved one’s health, from the comfort of their own home.

The game changer here is the solution is fully supported by MyHomecare. This means they can step in and provide in person care to service users if needed, for as long as needed, until they are back on their feet. This bridges the gap between technology and care, in order to provide a complete solution.

The Isaac Care team design bespoke packages tailored to the individual’s need. Their services include a 24/7 call centre, remote monitoring of vital signs, homecare services, and a first responder service. These services support their technology offering which include smart ambient motion sensors, a GPS enabled falls device called the “Isaac Pendant” and vital monitoring devices including blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, weighing scales and blood glucometers. One of its key strengths are all their devices are fully pre-configured and work straight out of the box with no need for an installation team. Their devices are built with simplicity in mind, so anybody, regardless of their technological capabilities can use them.

All information from their devices is transferred into their user-friendly family caring app, where information can be shared with circles of care. The Isaac Care app allows families to easily manage care through a simple messaging feature, calendar management, and allows each user to input their medical history, meaning all their important information is always on hand and stored in one secure place.

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way. Contact us on (042) 936 8391 or fill in your details in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch.