The Advantages of Wireless Fall Alarms for the Elderly

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
The Advantages of Wireless Fall Alarms for the Elderly

The Advantages of Wireless Fall Alarms for the Elderly

As we grow older the risk of falls increases, according to the HSE, one in three older people fall every year and two-thirds of them fall again within six months. In order for people to live safely and independently, it is important to prevent falls and provide support where possible. With this in mind, technology has come to the rescue by providing fall alarms designed specifically to help individuals stay safe at home. These systems are designed to provide immediate assistance in the event of a fall or other emergency, ensuring that individuals can receive help quickly and efficiently. The advantages of wireless fall alarms for the elderly are numerous and they are a very important feature when it comes to home safety and independence.

The Isaac Fall Alarm

Our Isaac Fall Alarm is a smart, easy to use, personal alarm which offers reassurance and peace of mind that your loved one can instantly access help whenever they need it. Features include:
– Help at the push of a button
– 24/7 support
– Personalised Circle of Care App

The Advantages of Wireless Elderly Fall Alarms

Prompt Emergency Response

The Advantages of Wireless Elderly Fall Alarms

Prompt emergency response is a critical aspect of an alarm system designed to enhance the safety and well-being of individuals, especially the elderly. It minimises harm, providing necessary assistance, and potentially saving lives. Wireless fall alarms allow seniors to quickly request help in the event of a fall or medical emergency. The alarm is activated with just the press of a button on a wearable device, such as our Isaac Fall Alarm whereby your loved one can speak through the fall alarm directly to their emergency contacts when the button is held down for 3 seconds, ensuring a prompt response.

24/7 Monitoring

The Advantages of Wireless Elderly Fall Alarms

24/7 monitoring is a key feature of many elderly fall alarm systems, adding an extra layer of safety for loved ones and their caregivers. It involves continuous surveillance and support by a dedicated team of professionals who are available around the clock to respond to alerts and emergencies. Many alarm systems offer round-the-clock monitoring, ensuring that help is available at any time, day or night. This constant monitoring provides reassurance to both the elderly individuals and their loved ones.

Peace of Mind and Independence

The Advantages of Wireless Elderly Fall Alarms

Peace of mind is a significant and invaluable benefit associated with the use of elderly fall alarms. It refers to the emotional and psychological reassurance that both seniors and their caregivers experience knowing that there is a reliable support in place to respond to emergencies. Wireless fall alarms also enable individuals to maintain a degree of independence while knowing that help is always within reach. This can boost their confidence and quality of life, as they can continue living in their own homes without constant supervision.

Customisable Response Plans

The Advantages of Wireless Elderly Fall Alarms

Many fall alarm systems allow users to create a list of contacts to be notified in case of an emergency. This list can include family members, friends, neighbors, caregivers, and even emergency services. Caregivers and seniors can choose who should be alerted and in what order, ensuring that the right people are notified based on the situation. Users can also set up alerts to remind them to take medication, go for a walk or check their blood pressure. These proactive alerts can contribute to overall health and well-being.

Keeping elderly loved ones safe is a top priority for many families and a fall alarm can bring about many advantages, including 24/7 monitoring support, prompt response times, customisable plans and reassurance, giving peace of mind for loved ones and their families.

The connection to carers and medical professionals through wireless technology is invaluable, offering a comprehensive support network ready to respond in any emergency situation. Thanks to the development of these alarms, elderly individuals can now experience enhanced convenience and protection in their daily activities and remain independent for as long as possible.

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way. Contact us on (042) 936 8391 or fill in your details in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch.

The Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Fall Prevention

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
The Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Fall Prevention

The Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Fall Prevention

Falls can be a significant health hazard for aging adults and even younger individuals with a disability or with medical needs. Occupational therapy interventions have been proven to reduce the frequency of falls and improve overall safety by teaching strategies that build physical and cognitive capabilities, enabling individuals to live more independently at home. The benefits of occupational therapy for fall prevention are numerous and are vital in keeping your loved one safe at home.

Did You Know?

Well-designed exercise programmes can reduce the rate of falls by 23 percent and reduce the number of people experiencing one or more falls by 15 percent.

The Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Fall Prevention

Comprehensive assessment

Occupational therapists conduct comprehensive assessments to identify an individual’s specific fall risk factors. They evaluate physical abilities, balance, coordination, sensory functions, cognitive skills, and the home environment to determine the areas that require intervention. Comprehensive assessment plays a crucial role in determining the specific needs and goals of individuals. Some key aspects of the comprehensive assessment process are:

  • Medical History: checking medical history to identify any underlying issues that could contribute to falls.
  • Functional Assessment: evaluate an individual’s functional abilities and limitations related to activities of daily living such as dressing and bathing.
  • Balance and Mobility Assessment: evaluation of an individual’s balance, coordination, and ability to perform functional movements safely.
  • Environmental Assessment: assessment of factors that may contribute to falls, such as poor lighting, uneven surfaces, clutter, or inadequate support systems.

Enhancing strength and balance

Occupational therapists use exercises and activities to improve an individual’s strength, balance, and coordination. They focus on improving muscle strength, flexibility, and postural control to enhance overall stability and reduce the risk of falls. The key aspects of this process are:

  • Balance Training Exercises: improve an individual’s ability to maintain equilibrium during static (stationary) and dynamic (moving) activities. These can involve weight shifting, standing on unstable surfaces, or performing activities that challenge balance.
  • Coordination Activities: various exercises and games that target hand-eye coordination, bilateral coordination (using both sides of the body simultaneously), and fine motor coordination.
  • Home Exercise Programs: exercises and activities that can be performed independently at home to maintain and further develop strength and balance.

Home modifications:

Occupational therapists assess the individual’s home environment and recommend modifications to reduce fall hazards. This may include rearranging furniture, removing obstacles, improving lighting, installing grab bars and handrails, and making the bathroom safer. These modifications create a safer living space and reduce the risk of falls. This process includes:

  • Removing Hazards: addresses potential hazards within the home that can contribute to falls. This may involve removing obstacles such as clutter, loose rugs, or electrical cords that can be tripping hazards.
  • Improving Lighting: assess the lighting conditions in the home and recommend improvements. This may include adding additional light fixtures, or installing motion sensor lights to ensure lighting in key areas, such as hallways, staircases, and bathrooms.
  • Modifying Stairs: this may involve adding handrails on both sides of the staircase and ensuring proper handrail height and grip.
  • Assessing Assistive Devices: evaluate the suitability and effectiveness of assistive devices such as canes, walkers, or wheelchairs within the home environment. They ensure that these devices are properly adjusted, well-maintained, and suitable for the individual’s needs.

Isaac Care’s Assistive Services:

• We provide the right care by providing the tools and support people need to access high quality care from the comfort of their own homes.
• The Isaac fall alarm is connected to our free family caring app, Isaac Care.
• The Isaac Care app is specifically designed around “circles of care”, groups of people involved in the persons’ care. Each circle of care is kept up to date with instant in-app notifications.
• The app sends out an instant notification of any fall/SOS alert to the relevant circle of care, while the fall alarm itself initiates a phone call to the designated emergency contact.
• It allows the right care to be delivered in the right place, at the right time, providing invaluable peace of mind.

Occupational therapy can be an incredibly useful tool to target fall prevention. It is an effective and creative way to help those who are most at risk of injuries from falls. Investing in occupational therapy is a worthwhile measure that can lead to better health outcomes for those who have an increased risk of falling. Taking action using the many different approaches above can go a long way in keeping everyone safe, secure, and as independent as possible.

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way. Contact us on (042) 936 8391 or fill in your details in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch.

Revolutionising Healthcare: The Rise of Hospital at Home Services

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider

Revolutionising Healthcare: The Rise of Hospital at Home Services

The hospital at home concept is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to in-patient hospital care. It is a model of care that delivers medical treatment within the comfort and convenience of your loved ones’ own home. The concept mainly targets older adults with chronic conditions who are looking to avoid hospitalisation but it is suitable for many more conditions.

With advances in technology and medical equipment, healthcare providers can now offer comprehensive care helping your loved one to feel secure in the knowledge that they are being looked after in the comfort of their own home.

Did You Know?

Recent studies reveal that 30% of older adults experience a decline in their functioning after being discharged from the hospital. This decline is more severe than what they experienced prior to admission.

Revolutionising Healthcare: The Rise of Hospital at Home Services

The Hospital at Home concept presents countless advantages and benefits to both patients and providers. It creates quality clinical outcomes by establishing an environment that enhances communication between all involved through patient/ family collaboration. Allowing your loved one to remain living in their own environment, where friends and family members can visit when needed. Not only is this approach more convenient for families, but it also reduces the risk of infections and readmissions and can be cost-effective for those using the service as well as the healthcare system.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an increased focus on, and appreciation for, home-based healthcare services. This is due to it being safer and less risky than hospital care as it can help to mitigate the transmission of viruses and other illnesses that can easily spread from patient to patient when in close proximity. It remains one of the best ways to care for a loved one, whether they are recuperating after an injury or an elderly parent in need of some daily help and care.

The evolution of hospital at home

The idea of providing hospital-level care in the comfort of one’s own home originates back to the early 1900s. During this time, healthcare professionals began experimenting with delivering care to patients outside of hospitals with the goal of improving access to quality care. This led to the development of various programs and initiatives, such as visiting nurse’s services and home-based hospice care.

Today, the concept continues to evolve as healthcare systems look for innovative ways to provide high-quality, cost-effective care to patients. There have been significant technological advancements in home-based healthcare, creating a more secure environment for your loved one. The introduction of wearable devices such as watches and neck alarms has revolutionised the industry, providing doctors and nurses with real-time monitoring and data to improve patient outcomes. The role of technology cannot be understated in shaping the future of healthcare with assistive technology (any piece of equipment, software program, or product system used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a person with disabilities) at the forefront of this.

At Isaac Care, technology is at the heart of what we do. We provide a range of easy-to-use assistive technology to empower people to live safely and independently at home. This offers peace of mind and reassurance for you and your loved one.

Core components of hospital at home services  

Medical and nursing care that provides comprehensive assessment and treatment plans at home is a very common option within the hospital at home service. A comprehensive assessment is carried out to determine the patient’s eligibility for home-based care. Treatment plans are then tailored to an individual’s unique needs which are an effective way to manage chronic illnesses or when recovering from injury or surgery. A multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals who, through collaboration, provide the required coordinated care. This team may include nurses, therapists, or other healthcare providers.

Registered nurses play a vital role in administering medication, monitoring vital signs, and performing various procedures depending on your loved one’s condition. This enables them to continue pursuing their daily activities without uprooting their lives to receive care at a hospital or clinic. They can rest easy knowing that they are in good hands.

Medical and Nursing Care at Home Includes:

Wound dressing
Medication management
Personalised care plans
Rehabilitation exercises

Revolutionising Healthcare: The Rise of Hospital at Home Services

The availability of telemedicine and remote monitoring (accessing care through different forms of communication) has made it easier for loved ones to access medical care and reduce unnecessary hospital visits. These advancements in technology include the ability to monitor the status of health remotely through apps and manage medication and conduct virtual check-ins with doctors and nurses through video calls. Providing the right care in the right place, at home. This approach provides high-quality care that is both personalised and convenient.

It allows for a quicker response to any issues that may arise, as remote technology can detect changes in health before they become critical, allowing doctors and nurses to intervene earlier and provide more effective treatment. It helps loved ones and their family members to take control of their own health, by enabling access to information about their vitals and medical history in real-time. This empowering approach to healthcare represents a major step forward for homecare facilities.

Remote monitoring through assistive technology that Isaac Care offers includes: fall alarms, motion sensors, and health monitoring equipment such as blood pressure cuffs, thermometers, pulse oximeters, and wearable activity trackers.
Each client receives a package bespoke to their needs within their treatment plan. Providing high-quality, 24/7, community-based care supported by assistive technology. An alarm can be raised at the touch of a button, notifying the right people, family, friends, or emergency services through our Circle of Care app.

We provide a complete wraparound service to our valued clients including remote health monitoring with 24/7 support, underpinned by a network of dedicated personal carers.

  • Circle of Care App: stores all health statistics and is an easy way to connect with friends and family in one convenient platform.
  • Our fall alarm: 24-hour support at the touch of a button, two-way communication and sim card supported. Can be used at home and while out and about.
  • Motion sensors: a discreet way of detecting activity around the home, with useful security and safeguarding applications.
  • Health monitoring: allows for easy and effective monitoring of health from the comfort of home.

Homecare businesses play a crucial role in ensuring continuity of care and recovery support. When loved ones are discharged from hospitals, they are often in a vulnerable state, physically and emotionally. It provides them with the necessary care and support required to recover quickly. Personalised plans tailored to care for them based on their unique medical needs helps them to recover fast, reducing the risk of complications or re-hospitalisation.

The benefits of hospital at home services  

This innovative approach to healthcare delivery has the following various benefits:

1. Better clinical outcomes
2. Shorter hospital stays
3. Happier patients
4. Convenient with less travel
5. Risk of infections reduced
6. Cuts down on costs

Revolutionising Healthcare: The Rise of Hospital at Home Services

One of the biggest advantages is that it improves patient outcomes and satisfaction. Studies have shown that patients who receive care at home are more likely to have better clinical outcomes, such as reduced hospital readmissions and shorter hospital stays. It prevents unnecessary visits to emergency rooms while offering skilled nursing care from fully trained staff to ensure patients receive the highest level of care possible.

It allows patients to remain in their familiar surroundings and retain their independence, comfort and privacy, making them happy and content. The risk of hospital-acquired infections is also reduced. Hospitals are notorious for being environments where infections spread easily, so by receiving healthcare in the comfort of their own home, patients are at a lower risk of contracting new illnesses which helps lead to faster recovery times.

By eliminating the need for expensive hospital stays, hospital at home programs are able to cut costs significantly. Not only does this benefit patients, who can avoid expensive medical bills, but it also benefits hospitals, which can save money on overhead costs associated with running a traditional hospital. As a result, it is becoming an increasingly popular and cost-effective solution for patients and hospitals alike.

It is more accessible and convenient than traditional hospital care. Because patients have the opportunity to receive medical attention in their home, this reduces their travel and time commitments. With homecare providers at their doorstep, patients can save themselves from having to travel to hospitals, waiting in long queues, and struggling to find parking spots. It also offers flexible and personalised care delivery options that suit the unique and specific needs of each patient. By bridging the gap between hospital and home, it is vital for anyone who values convenience, comfort, and quality medical attention.

The challenges and barriers to adoption  

As well as benefits, there are also challenges that come with this type of care. One of the major hurdles is having standardised criteria and guidelines across homecare providers. Healthcare providers in Ireland must comply with various regulations and standards related to privacy, data security, and quality of care. This ensures that patients receive uniform, and high-quality care without disparities between providers. Policies need to adapt to the changing healthcare needs and ensure financial sustainability for homecare providers.

Revolutionising Healthcare: The Rise of Hospital at Home Services

A common challenge for patients is accessibility to reliable internet and communication tools that connects them with caregivers to enable seamless communication. Living remotely can at times result in difficulty receiving a stable internet connection. Another crucial aspect of internet use is data security and privacy since healthcare information is highly sensitive and needs to be protected from cyber threats and breaches.

When healthcare providers address these challenges successfully, it can play a significant role in improving the quality and effectiveness of homecare services and enable caregivers to provide personalised care to patients in a safe and secure way.

The homecare industry presents a unique set of challenges for healthcare professionals. While the goal is to provide quality care to patients in the comfort of their own homes, the reality is that staffing and resource shortages can make this difficult. As a result, workforce development and training have become focal points for homecare providers. By preparing healthcare professionals for the intricacies of home-based care, they can be better equipped to handle the challenges that arise.

Investing in training and development has the added benefit of increasing job satisfaction and reducing turnover rates, which ultimately benefits both the patients and the providers. Though the challenges are there, the benefits cannot be ignored.

The future of hospital at home services  

From the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, to the use of wearable devices and smart home technology, these advancements are transforming the way healthcare is delivered. With the help of these technologies, healthcare providers can remotely monitor patients, predict potential health complications, and prescribe treatments accordingly. Patients can also track their vitals and receive real-time feedback on their health status. These provide them with greater autonomy and convenience while upholding their health and quality of life.

Patient at home. Revolutionising Healthcare: The Rise of Hospital at Home Services

The Isaac Fall Alarm is a part of the growing innovations relating to homecare technology. With its smart, easy-to-use, personal alarm that offers reassurance that your loved one can instantly access help at the push of a button. It keeps them safe both at home, and while out and about with features such:

  • GPS enabled whereby you can pinpoint the location of your loved one whether inside or outdoors.
  • 24/7 call centre support which means help is always at hand.
  • No set up required so it is suitable for everyone.
  • Linked to our circle of care app with 3 emergency contacts.
  • Discreet and lightweight, can be worn around the neck making it easy to access.

In order for these services to be effective, they must be accessible to all patients, regardless of their income level or geographic location.

There are several ways to increase access to this type of care such as; expanding telemedicine capabilities to reach more patients and exploring grants and funding options to support the expansion of hospital-at-home programmes. It is vital to work with patient data to truly understand the needs of patients and then implement a flexible approach. This needs to adapt to changing demands through technology and keep on top of trends in healthcare which will create a healthcare system that can cater to all.

With varying health concerns and needs for care, scaling healthcare services to meet these varied needs can be accomplished successfully with the right approach and tools. Through implementing these strategies and investing in new technologies, we can create a healthcare system that is more responsive, efficient, and equitable for all patients. By addressing disparities in healthcare and expanding access to it, we can ensure that hospital at home services reach those who need them most. With the right strategies in place, we can maximise the impact of it and improve health outcomes for all.

Revolutionising Healthcare: The Rise of Hospital at Home Services

Hospital at Home services provide an innovative way to transform healthcare delivery while still providing the same quality care within the comfort of a patient’s home. It reduces medical costs, improves access to healthcare, and creates a more pleasant experience for your loved one. More providers are likely to adopt them as an alternative form of patient care. As home-based medical care continues to reduce costs and drive better outcomes, it could become a major part of healthcare delivery in the future.

The potential of this technology is vast, presenting healthcare professionals and providers with exciting opportunities to revolutionise the way they interact with patients and deliver life-saving care. It is time we move beyond the traditional idea of healthcare and imagine a world where cost efficient, high quality health care can be received at home with no hospital required.

Isaac Care are always striving for ways to improve our care services to give families and their loved ones the peace of mind that they will receive the highest standard of care, provided by the right people with the right skills and knowledge in the right place, at the right time

Get in Touch

Our dedicated team are on hand to assist you in any way. Contact us on (042) 936 8391 or fill in your details in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch.